
Cleanser Diversion Safe


Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $21.21.

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Weight 1 lbs

DS-CLEANSER is the perfect way to keep your valuable items secure – while still blending in with your everyday cleaning supplies. No one will suspect that your DS-CLEANSER diversion safe is anything more than regular cleaning powder – but you’ll be the only one with peace of mind. Perhaps you want to store your treasured jewelry or cash without drawing attention – no problem, DS-CLEANSER can take care of that! Its interior space measures 1¾” x 5 ⅛”, so you can fit all your valuables with ease. DS-CLEANSER is the perfect choice for those seeking the utmost security for their most precious assets.

• Smuggle in with other cleaning supplies
• Fits in possessions like spare change and jewelry
• Hide in plain site like under the sink or in the cleaning closet
• Internal Measurement 1¾” x 5 ⅛”